Are You A Good Candidate For CO2 Laser? Maybe Not… But Let’s See.

If you and I have ever had a conversation at the office about wrinkles or skin laxity, you’ve probably heard me say that in order to create real change in the skin you must inflict an injury upon it. Now, an injury can be scraping off surface skin, poking teeny tiny holes into it, introducing some type of energy or heat into the tissue, among other things. In the case of a CO2 laser resurfacing treatment, tiny holes are being created in the skin to stimulate collagen, energy is also present to tighten tissue, and skin is being taken off the surface to create a more even tone. These are reasons why CO2 is the platinum anti-aging skin treatment but it’s not for everybody.

If you don’t like or have some days for downtime and healing, this treatment probably isn’t for you. With an aggressive laser treatment comes several days of swelling, redness, maybe some mild bruising and wearing heavy balm on your face. You aren’t going to want to do anything besides just resting. I have had patients who thought that because they were going to be home healing that they would get some things on their to-do lists scratched off. After this treatment, your face needs to be treated like a wound and this means keeping it clean and lubricated. Cleaning out the garage, painting the living room, bathing the dog, working out, etc. are all ill-advised for at least a week post-treatment. Cleaning and household cleaners create a lot of airborne particulates that can inflame and irritate already compromised skin. Don’t even get me started on the number of bacteria and risk of infection that comes along with a visit to the gym. The last thing you want is an infection on your newly lasered skin.

Using pre- and post-treatment skincare consistently for CO2 resurfacing is a non-negotiable step for anyone getting this procedure. If you can’t commit to using three products for a month prior to getting it done and then following the written instructions for a month afterward, this might not be your jam. We prescribe tretinoin and a hydroquinone-based product for at least four weeks before getting CO2 done to promote the best overall results. Sunscreen is the other product that must be worn every day regardless of the weather. At-home products are an integral part of receiving and maintaining the best laser outcome. Why pay the money for the treatment if you aren’t committed to taking care of your skin?

If you have a history of poor wound healing (say from diabetes), are prone to keloid or hypertrophic scars, smoke or have a compromised immune system you should think twice about having this done. CO2 laser resurfacing is a very safe procedure but that’s not to say that there can’t be side effects, especially when the body and skin aren’t as healthy as they could be. Infection is a real concern in this group of people. Here is a link to an article that discusses some other possible complications.

If you’re desiring facelift results you will probably be disappointed with this treatment. CO2 is a great adjunct to any facial plastic surgery procedure but not a replacement for one. A deep laser treatment helps to tighten up some mild to moderate loose skin but only so far since we aren’t surgically removing any tissue. While surgery works to improve the underlying structure of the face, a laser treatment is refining the aesthetic “paint job” that a person presents to the world. Doing both together delivers an amazing youthful endpoint.

Finally, if you have no pain tolerance this isn’t for you. Does it hurt? Honestly, yes. Pain is so subjective but when I had mine done it was probably a 6.5 out of 10. Even though we use multiple numbing products to make this treatment as comfortable as possible we can’t stop your body from feeling the sensation of heat. It’s like having the world’s worst sunburn both in appearance and discomfort. If you’re annoyed enough with wrinkles, stubborn brown spots, crepey skin and other things that come with age and having fun outside, then the pain is a very short-term nuisance. 

CO2 laser resurfacing will help reduce the signs of aging, improve the texture, color, and laxity of the skin in patients after a single treatment. Our office has had great results from this treatment but it’s not for everyone and that’s ok. If you feel like you’re not up for a laser, we can give you other treatment and product options in order for you to achieve the results you desire.

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